
Monday 9 December 2013

On The Lure Of The Perfume Pendant - A Guest Spot At The Penhaligon's Journal.

Occasionally, I'll be overcome with a desire to buy something I can't afford. I usually tend to see sense and keep my credit card stashed safely away. But on this occasion, I caved. I thought about it, wrote about it, then obsessed about it. Then I bought one. It made me happy.

Here is a little piece I wrote for the Penhaligon's Journal during the 'obsessing but not buying' period. Out of interest I filled it with Mitsouko, not whisky..


  1. What a beautiful pendant! It's out of stock on the website but I requested to be notified when it's back.

    1. Undina, it's stunning.. I bought one about 2 weeks after I wrote the article. The obsession had grown into an all consuming hunger. I had to take my fine pliers to the dangly tag bit though as it was a bit scratchy and made (as Vanessa cleverly put it when talking about hers) jingle bell noises. I know I'll wear it forever and look forward to old age where it will look delightfully eccentric!

    2. Can I ask you to make a picture of it on your neck? I'm trying to figure out the relative size of it (since for me it will be almost a "blind buy").

    3. Hi Undina, I took some selfies of the necklace but all of them looked to booby/daft to put online (it hangs long)! I've sent you a personal email with one attached.

  2. Haha, the issue of 'do you care to tinkle?' is a key one indeed, and personally I found it rather distracting. I haven't dared to attempt to remove my tag, mind. I would consider the pendant to be on the weighty side - not being one for chunky jewellery as a rule - and tend to engage with it more on a 'fondle and replace' basis - only the other day in fact! It comes in a soft cloth pouch in a jewellery case, which also protects it from the discolouration to which silver is prone.
